Talking about death isn't easy, but it's an important conversation to have with your loved ones. We're here to help.
How to Discuss Your End-of-Life Wishes With Loved Ones
Death is a very difficult topic to talk or even think about, but if there is one thing that we know for sure, it's that all of us will be leaving this world at one point or another. That's why it is such an important conversation to have with your loved ones - so they know what you want at the end of your life and you know what they want.
When a family is left to make decisions without any idea of what their loved one would want, it can be highly stressful and emotional on top of the grief they are already experiencing. There can be a great deal of comfort for families who have had a conversation and know exactly what their loved one would want.
So how do you have that conversation? We have a few suggestions that may help you break the ice. These are geared towards a conversation about organ, eye, and tissue donation, but it's also a good time to talk about other decisions, such as life-sustaining therapies and advanced directives.
After watching a movie where a tragic accident, illness, or death occurs.
When you receive or renew your driver's license.
If you hear about a car accident, homicide, suicide, overdose, house fire, or tragic accident on the news.
At a family gathering - holiday, Sunday dinner, family reunion, cook-out, long car ride, etc.
"I've been thinking lately - maybe we should talk about what we want to happen if anything happens to either one of us. For example, I think I'd like to be an organ donor if I can. What do you think?"
"Hey, what do you think about organ donation? I saw something that said one person can save up to 8 lives... I think that's something I'd like to do. What do you think?"
"I've been seeing a lot of posts on social media about organ donation saving people, so I decided to look into the facts about it. To be honest, it kind of scared me before, but now I think it's something I might like to do. Did you know [insert debunked myth]..."
Everyone's conversation is going to be different and unique to them. However, it's an important conversation to have to ensure that your family and friends know what you want should anything ever happen to you. Likewise, you'll feel much better knowing what your loved one's wishes are in case you're ever in a situation to make those decisions.